Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Little Bit Of Our Freedom Has Been Lost

Although I am passionate about politics, I try really hard to separate my politics from my blog. Today is different. I have to write about what has happened this week. The Obama administration basically threw out the Constitution of the United States, told the American people to sit down and shut up and passed Obamacare. Government got bigger and the American people much smaller. The American people voted this man into office (with the help of Acorn and Voter Fraud), and I want to know if people were actually using their brains when they voted for him!
If you are an American and you are not upset, you should be! Your freedom has been stripped.
 If your employer currently holds your health insurance...be prepared because rates will go up, they will decide they can no longer afford that benefit, terminate it and take the fine. Although there is currently no public option in this bill, one will be created because if your employer can't provide the benefit, and you can't afford private insurance on your own, you have to have something or YOU be fined. This will "force" the government into creating a public option (which was their intent all along) and consequently the insurance companies will be put out of business because they will not be able to compete with the government....which will equal the loss of jobs. If you are one of the Americans who chooses not to have coverage, beware, you are now forced to obtain it, and if it doesn't meet the standards the government has set out, you will be fined by Uncle Sam. Those of you who think that government health care is free, think again. #1 you are paying for it in your taxes, #2 there will still be a premium you will have to pay. It will be less expensive than private insurance, but remember, you get what you pay for and good luck to getting the care you need in a timely manner! Oh, and our wonderful democratic officials who voted this into law, have made provision for themselves to keep their upgraded health insurance...always taking care of themselves! YOU NO LONGER HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. I am so disgusted about the fact that regardless of what the majority of Americans want, the government was able to ram this bill through behind closed doors with backroom deals, circumventing the Senate vote via reconciliation and thus robbing Scott Brown of his opportunity to vote against the health care takeover, which is the very thing he campaigned on, thus robbing the American people of their voice. Complete disregard for those who they work for to begin with. THEY WORK FOR US! We need to remind them...
Approx 15,000 IRS agents are being hired to audit every American every month. Guess what, if you do not carry what they feel to be appropriate insurance, you get a fine. We are now mandated to carry health insurance. When did this become a public and not private choice?

This is supposed to be AMERICA...and yes, we should be proud of our country, but our President has turned our "pride" into "arrogance" and has apologized all over the world for it. Shame on Barack Obama!

Taking from those who work hard to give to those who hardly work is socialist and wrong. People should be empowered to give to others because it is a choice they make. This administration basically feels that we are not capable of making personal, private decisions on our own. Apparently not even the decision to refrain from supporting abortions. The government cannot force me to contribute to such acts. I do not want my tax dollars spent on terminating pregnancies! It impedes on my religious practice and beliefs. If this issue is forced through, can we call it anything other than communism? I think not. I read a comment by somebody on facebook that said, "im sure americans will get by... perhaps a latte less a week from starbucks so a child can go to the hospital." Really? First of all, I am a registered nurse and I worked in a county hospital. If you show up, you are seen, whether you can pay or not. So, to the person that made that very ignorant comment, children who need medical care can get it. I am not denying that reform is needed, but I am adamantly denying that government takeover is the answer. Secondly, if I want to sacrifice a cup of coffee to give to somebody, it should be my choice, not the government's mandate. I am a big believer in giving to those in need, but I am not a fan of the government deciding what I can do with my hard earned money! My family makes many sacrifices so that we can afford certain things that are important to us like food and health insurance. We do without Starbucks, expensive haircuts and clothing, and frivolous spending of the like. We don't expect you (the American people) to provide those things for us. Even when our household income was less than $20,000 a year, we didn't feel "entitled" to the same things that those who made more money were able to buy. We were very blessed during that time and God provided for all of our needs through various vessels including an extra night job for my husband. Yes, that's right, sometimes a second job is necessary! I am so sick of people feeling entitled...no work ethic. The government is making it more attractive to be a bum than to follow the American dream. They are redefining the American dream as we have known it!
I am proud of the states that are bringing lawsuits against the federal government.
Barack Obama said it himself, "...that is what elections are for." Guess what, Mr. President and members of Congress who openly went against the voice of America, you were warned and shouldn't be surprised when you are the ones unemployed in November and the 2012 Presidential Elections.


Unknown said...

AMEN!! You said it very well. Ohh boy, people just don't know "and think they know" what's going on. Ignorant people who think "Obama has the right idea" as was posted on my wall on Facebook. Its a sad, sad day for the American people and the past generations of people who have fought to keep these freedoms. I am right there with you. God help this country for our leaders are no longer able to lead this country to keep it free!

Unknown said...

AMEN!! You said it very well. Ohh boy, people just don't know "and think they know" what's going on. Ignorant people who think "Obama has the right idea" as was posted on my wall on Facebook. Its a sad, sad day for the American people and the past generations of people who have fought to keep these freedoms. I am right there with you. God help this country for our leaders are no longer able to lead this country to keep it free!