Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Love Saturdays!

Saturdays are my favorite day of the week, mostly because it is my husband, Alessandro's true day off from work and school. Not only do I get help with the kids, but we get to spend time together throughout the day. Alessandro cooks breakfast on most of his days off. He finds cooking fun and relaxing. I am almost guaranteed to wake up every Saturday morning with coffee and some delicious form of eggs, etc. Today was no different!  We eat most meals as a family at our kitchen table. Since we got married in January 2006, I can probably count on one hand the number of times we have eaten in front of the television (not having reception for our first couple of years had nothing to do with that!) After breakfast, Alessandro mowed the lawn and I got ready to host a Gold Party. If you have never been to one, I highly recommend it!  You actually go to a party and make money rather than spend it! I am working diligently on saving for a double jogging stroller. I am over half of my goal. I had an opportunity to visit with several people that I have not seen in a while. We had a very enjoyable time. I hope everyone was blessed at the party!
My Aunt was in town and came by to visit us with a bag of goodies for Luca. Her grandson, Kingston, always has the cutest clothes and the cream of the crop is passed down to Luca. I am so glad Cindy, Kingston's mom, has good taste!

Time to get out of the house now!  Golden Spoon, here we come! I love loading the family up and heading for a relaxing outing like that. As long as Luca is eating it is usually a relaxing time. Nora is just relaxed everywhere, no matter what. She is so laid back and I am so grateful! A nice balance to Luca's temperament.
Tonight our plans are low key, as they usually are with the kids being at the stages they are in. We rented a movie "A Walk In The Clouds". We have heard so many wonderful things about it and are excited to watch it. If you are wondering where Hailey is in all this, well, she got her license a week and a half ago...she's going to have to start her own blog now because I can't keep up with her!  Just kidding. Today she got up and had an interview for her first job. She wants it so badly and I want it for her!  She should hear by Monday at the latest. It is at a dry cleaners and the hours and compensation are perfect for her! Next on my busy 16 year old's schedule, who seemed to have grown up overnight, was a meeting for the Crime Prevention event she is putting on for the neighborhood. She is working on buiding her resume for college and this is one of the things she plans to do every year. Right now, she is working on a group project for school and then she is going out to dinner with her friend Cassidy and her family. Days like these are when I become very thankful that she can drive herself. It is interesting keeping up with the schedule of a teenager and babies at the same time.

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