Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Excellent Source of Happiness

Today was Alessandro's day off, so a majority of it was spent running around town getting things done together, with children in tote. Before Luca and Nora were born, I told myself that my children were not going to be eating in my car because I knew that it would mean a very messy car! I must have had selective memory from when Hailey was little because it is impossible not to feed your children in the car if you do any amount of driving.
We had a long drive back from Paradise Valley and Luca was already expressing his unhappiness. It is not that he was hungry because he spent the morning at my sister Keturah's house eating whoppers and chips! Once the sound of unhappiness began to come from his lips, the closest drive thru was none other than McDonald's. We got him some "chicken" nuggets and we were on our merry way. He was very happy.

I studied the empty nugget box and read the tag-line on it..."An Excellent Source of Happiness"  Really?
I am thinking that they had to come up with something because they can't really say "an excellent source of protein or vitamins and minerals", right?

I realize it may seem that all Luca eats is junk, but he doesn't. Those are the things I blog about because it is funny and much more entertaining. I promise you, Luca eats lots of fruit, eggs, tomatos, etc. I guess I need to include some of those pictures so that you believe me!

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