Thursday, October 1, 2009


On Thursdays I host a Bible Study in my home with a few other women from church. This picture is actually not from today. Nicole just had her 3rd baby a couple of days ago, but I wanted to include a picture with all of us. We all have babies under 2 which makes for a lively and unpredictable time. It is supposed to start at 9:30, but never usually starts until 10 or 10:30. We are pretty laid back around have to be with all of these babies!  We work our study into the constant care we are giving our babies, between feeding them, changing them, comforting them and tending to their needs. We also manage to squeeze in lunch and my house is usually empty by 1:00 or 1:30. We have a nice time.

Does anybody else besides me have trouble with their son drinking his bath water? I don't remember Hailey doing this. It must be a boy thing. It is so disgusting!  Luca thinks it is funny when I freak out and tell him to stop. Please tell me I am not alone in this battle and any advice would be appreciated!!!

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