Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Get Out The Coats!

I love this weather!  It was so nice and chilly today. We actually had to dress the kids and ourselves in warm clothes for the walk we went on. Then we came back to the house and grilled steaks outside. We had steak and asparagus, out on the grill and baked potatoes. That was a meal with minimal clean up!  Delicious!

Nora has graduated from her baby tub, which she filled from head to toe, to the big tub. She loves it because she has more room to kick and splash around.

I want to talk a little bit about God's provision. He has NEVER failed me in this area. My needs have always been met, many times miraculously. I am not saying He has not either said "no" to some of my wants or that I have not had to wait for certain desires...but my needs, He has always provided for. I remember when Alessandro was in real estate. We were really struggling. Our income was definitely below poverty level because I had just had Luca and was not working. Somehow, during that time in our lives, we paid off more debt than we ever had before. That, my friends, is a miracle!  I serve a Mighty God whom without, I would have no purpose. All human beings are worshipers. The question is simply, who or what will you worship?

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