Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Ultimate Guilt Trip

Last night, after the pumpkin patch, we went to Culver's for their famous Butter Burgers and Concretes. The food here is far better in quality than McDonald's and our family eats there for less money! If you haven't tried it, you should! Its only downfall is that it is not closer to our house. Alessandro and I are sitting there with Luca and Nora (Hailey didn't want to go to the pumpkin patch, so she missed out on Culver's too) and we are chowing down on some really great burgers, fries, soft drinks and ice cream when another family sits in the booth next to us. I look up and notice that it is Wendy, the instructor for the Body Pump class that I used to take and that Alessandro now takes at Fitness Works. What was she eating you wonder? A Salad. Yup!  The ultimate guilt trip!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Love it Kenya. Too funny!